Jury’s statement
The heritage landscape has gained a new feature with the sensitive addition of a simple, restrained home. The surrounding landscape and fragments of the past merge with a very contemporary design. The movement through the house is key, with the rooms articulating the needs and dreams of the family. The rooms, levels and light are connected in a dynamic upward spiral.
References to the local vernacular are clear in the choice of shape, materials and colours. The art of the log cabin is distinctly evoked in the Falu red façade, while untreated Kerto beams, plywood panelling and sheets of fibreboard lend the interior a distinctly modern feel. Delivered with extreme precision, different materials complement and contrast with each other, as the structure and details intersect. The past and present are cleverly interwoven.
An exciting and ingenious home has been created within the confines of a limited space. The attention to detail is impeccable both inside and out.

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