Sustainable forest management is not just about preserving the quantity of forests for future generations, it is also about respecting the biological diversity of the forests, the ecology of the species living within it, and the communities affected by the forests. Sustainable forest management will, in other words, maintain the balance between economic wood production and respecting wildlife and vegetation, outdoor recreation, employment and local interests.
Sweden is a country covered by forests and lakes, with 70% of its surface covered by forest, nature is never far away. To Swedes the forest is a place for mushroom picking, hiking and a retreat from urban life. By using pine wood, Swedes bring the tranquility of the forests into their homes. The natural material brings you not only a warm, intimate feeling, but is also beneficial for your physical and mental well-being.
You will be able to touch the beautiful grain and knots of Swedish pine, to feel the mystique of Swedish forest, and to talk to creative designers at Swedish Wood’s booth at Chinas International Furniture Fair EAST Show. The following designers are honoring the values of Swedish sustainable forestry and the beauty of Swedish nature in their furniture.
Edward Nordendahl has made the table Solstråle. He has used a structural technique in the construction to display the beauty of Swedish pine. The layering of pine resembles rays of light omitting from the core of the table, giving an energizing visual impression. The supporting legs are angled to contribute to the upward movement in the design.
The possibility to dissemble the legs enables flat-pack shipping and efficient storage. The opening in the middle of the table is primarily thought as a handle for easy movement of the table, but further offers the possibility of placing a pot under the table for a flower to rise through the hole, giving extra natural life to the room.